Monday (I think)
Ever been locked in a small hospital room with a highly emotional, tired, and extremely hungry, but can't eat, two and a half year old...girl? I sincerely hope not and I absolutely do not recommend it :)
Today was our day of waiting. No meds, needles, or new tubes... just hanging out. Gamma and Kadyn did some crafts and made an adorable elephant puppet. We played princesses and watched Beauty and the Beast. Alison came for a visit and brought a super fun Dora pack and Kadyn was pleasantly surprised when 3 balloons with some of her favorite things arrived from the Browns. (THANK YOU!!)
Things only got better when daddy and Koy arrived. The kids played and fought just like they would at home. Ahhh the little things :) Ryan and I both teared up a bit when Koy wanted so badly to wake Kadyn from her nap. When she finally woke up he crawled in bed right next to her and said "Hi Kadyn!! Hey big grrrl! You wake up? You wanna play with me?" He loves her so much...
We talked to Kadyn's GI specialist this evening. Kadyn will have a cecostomy tomorrow. He is thinking that she will need to stay in the hospital until Friday to make sure everything is working correctly. Because this surgery may not be a solution to her problem I was very curious about the game plan from here on out. This is basically how he explained it....
Her bowel is not working properly and we need to figure out why. Right now, the only sure way to clean her out is thru an NG tube. This is a very traumatic and uncomfortable experience for her, so we are doing the cecostomy to make this process easier on her and improve her quality of life. While we are doing this we are also giving her bowel a chance to rest. It is extremely stretched out and he is afraid that the testing they need to do would be compromised because of the size of her bowel. So, instead of doing a diversion surgery to let her bowel rest this is a much easier procedure to accomplish the same thing. If we are lucky, the cecostomy is all we will need. She will keep the tube in and her bowel will heal itself. He said it could happen! If not, we will do motility testing to find out what part is not working, cut that part out, and sew the working parts back together. Obviously, we are praying for the miracle!
I cannot adequately express how much we appreciate your kind words, positive thoughts, and prayers. Kadyn is an incredible little girl. She fights for what she wants and wins. We know this battle will be no different.
Tonight, Koy, Gamma, and I are in the hotel while Ryan and Kadyn are at the hospital resting up for her big day. We pray for comfort and peace for Kadyn, wisdom and steady hands for the doctors working on her, patience and quick healing with manageable pain in the days to come.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you;my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

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