Saturday, May 1, 2010


(OOPS! This was written in May and I forgot to click publish!) I will have a new update soon!

The Twins are 1!

What an exciting year we have had! We have been so extremely blessed. Koy and Kadyn have been healthy, except for the occasional virus or ear infection. Kadyn's lungs have stayed clear through the winter and we could not be more relieved! We are still very careful because the precautions have definitely paid off! Koy and Kadyn are growing so fast. Both have started "walking". Kadyn started first. One night, she just decided to walk from me to Ryan like it was no big deal. We couldn't believe it. We call Koy rubber legs, but as soon as he saw Kadyn walking we knew it would not be long. He was very sweet, he waited for Ryan to get home from a long trip before he started walking. It was a great welcome home present. Now, they will walk across the room (only when they are not thinking about it). It is so funny! As soon as they realize they are walking they immediately sit down. I must say, since they have become mobile I have really had my work cut out for me! Luckily, they really like each other and prefer to do things together. It's the times that they go in two directions that really throw me for a loop.

Meghan had her daughter, Harlow, in early March. She is absolutely gorgeous, and the best baby ever! I didn't know how the twins (especially Kadyn) would do having to share their Aunt Meme. They have both done so well! They love their baby Harlow. Koy loves to look at and pat her. He seems to want to protect her already and always crawls over to her when she starts to cry! Kadyn loves to give Harlow kisses and hugs. She also loves to try to crawl into the baby seat with her.

Koy and Kadyn could not be more different and we absolutely love that about them! They love to play with each other and explore new places and things. They are both daredevils in their own right. Koy has no fear about jumping off of things or going down stairs, and he loves to rough house. Kadyn is really not into the rough housing, but loves to go anywhere she is not supposed to and LOVES to climb. We are in constant awe of them and love them more every single day!

We cannot thank you enough for your continued support over the past year! We feel so lucky and blessed everyday. God is so great!

I will update again soon!