Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014

Between little bouts of anxiety Kadyn was the ever proper princess She even talked them into letting her keep her dress on instead of the hospital gown in the OR. She LOVED that!
Kadyn did great!

I talked with Kadyn's doctor after...

Her right airway and passages are pristine

Left- not so much. It was not inflamed/red but it was swollen and still very compressed

We believe the major cause of Kadyn's continued problems (aside from CF obviously) is her narrowed airway.

Airways should look like owl eyes staring straight. Kadyn's don't... her left is a bit tilted. The left bronchial tube looks like a rigatoni noodle pressed in the middle.

On this left side they could see obvious signs of thick congested mucus that Dr Ner had trouble moving out/dislodging.

Overall, Dr Ner was surprised how well she looked.

From now on, when healthy, they want her to do 3 treatments a day instead of 2. Concentrating more on IPV than vest...3 is now her new normal.

Now we wait (3-5 days) to see what the virus panel and cultures say.

We are beyond words for all the love, support, positive thoughts and prayers We love you all so much!

Photo: In the OR now...
Between little bouts of anxiety Kadyn was the ever proper princess  She even talked them into letting her keep her dress on instead of the hospital gown. She LOVED that 

Overwhelmed and extremely comforted by all the love and prayers. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I will update once we know something.

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