Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We could not be more proud of our sweet baby Kadyn. Though she is still a brave yet patient resident of the ICU Unit, she has made leaps and bounds as far as her diet, digestion and diaper dumps are concerned. Not to mention the fact that she has accumulated more fans and friends than we could have ever imagined.

Today the Cystic Fibrosis specialist from Columbia was in town and made special time to visit with Katie. What a blessing it is to be only 3 hours away from one of the best CF treatment centers in the U.S! Though we will not know the severity of Kadyn’s particular case for sometime, it was fortunate for Katie to meet the specialist in person, answer any questions she might have, and know that they are available to them anytime or day, however often they may need them.

As for Koy, he can’t wait for his sis to join him in tummy time and exploring the ocean (play mat) at home. The overwhelming joy that God has placed in our lives through Koy and Kadyn has truly been indescribable and we cannot more appreciative of these endless gifts.
Ohh the amazing plans He has set out for them!!

Your comments, thoughts and prayers continue to strengthen the hearts and minds of our families day in and day out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


  1. This is amazing! Your in my prayers daily! Love you guys! Amber Dean

  2. If anyone could handle this difficult situation it is Katie and Ryan along with the support of such a wonderful family. You have been in our thoughts and prayers since the beginning. The blog is wonderful.
    Tim read it at work and couldn't take calls for some time, a few tears.
    Love, Tim and Paula

  3. Praying for a happy, healthy homecoming! Keep up the STRONG thoughts and positivity! WE love you and are so proud of all of you!

    Sara Ross Lucy and Jack
