We could get used to this!
Kadyn finished her treatments in Columbia and took the hospital by storm. We packed it up and came home on July 6th with loads of antibiotics, 6 more weeks worth to be exact! We are halfway through but not without a minor setback. On July 13th I got a call from Kadyn's CF doctor that the throat culture that was taken the day we left Columbia had come back with a surprising result. Not only does Kadyn still have Pseudomonas she actually has a second strand, which was most likely there all along. Unfortunately, this strand is resistant to all antibiotics but one so the chances of her getting rid of it completely are slim to none. This means she could be on antibiotics every other month from now on in order to keep the bacteria controlled. Kadyn will see her doctors on August 12th and will have another throat culture. In October we will know more about the effect of the Pseudomonas as she will have a Bronchoscopy (a scope of her bronchial tubes).
In the meantime, we have enjoyed every second of the 3 weeks we have spent at home! Koy is growing by leaps and bounds and his last home weigh-in was 12 1/2 pounds. Kadyn is packing on her fair share of weight as well. We clocked her at just above 10 pounds. What glorious news that was! Brother and sister are having fun discovering their hands and feet, as well as each other. Since Kadyn found her voice she has decided she has A LOT to say! Both are amazing sleepers and have even had a few 10 hour nights! Much to our surprise Kadyn already has two teeth about to break the surface and not to be outdone brother Koy is working on one of his own. Kadyn, however, did not let mom and dad know until they were in full view. Koy, on the other hand, lets us know anytime they begin to push! What's that they say about girls being tougher then boys...?
Here are a few pics for you all to enjoy! (More pictures to be added tomorrow)

Pssst, Koy you still up?

Can't quite reach

Found my thumb!